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Ramy Elmery

Inventor Of The World's First

Smoothie Vending Machine

Customizing your own smoothie out of a vending machine is not only cool …. It’s Amazing.

The Smoothie Vending Machine will also strengthen “Food and Beverage” global network & reputation by offering Healthy alternatives to the sugary, syrup, colored drinks. With the current global health conscious “The Smoothie Vending Machine” will take the World by a storm. I see it in Gymnasiums, Airports, Universities, Schools, Movie Theaters, Train Stations, Hospitals and but not least Corporate Offices around the world. â€¨â€¨

The Future Is Here 
Food & Beverage companies wants to stay competitive and to lead the world in innovation & healthy nutrition the opportunity is knocking. This is the “Blue Ocean Strategy” that will create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant.  Lastly, people didn’t know they needed light bulbs until Edison invented it; they never needed airplanes until the Wright Brothers made it happen, as well as the iPhones with Steve Jobs. Same here, this invention will revolutionize the vending machine business and people don’t even know it yet. 
- Hello - 

The “Smoothie Vending Machine” is a breakthrough technology innovation in food, beverages and nutrition. This will capture the competitive advantage needed globally and would drive Food & Beverage businesses to the sky. By introducing such innovative new technology we will have the advantage of being “First to market” and will have an amazing cost effective sustainable healthy offering making nutrition accessible for everyone not only in the U.S. but the whole world. 

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